About The Garden

The Garden (previously known as the Edinburgh Gin Garden) is the perfect spot to get close to the action with prime views over the Paddock and Parade Ring – home to the winning horses, jockeys, owners and trainers.

Key Information about The Garden

  • Adults only, exclusive premium enclosure
  • Al Fresco setting with some cover
  • Views over the Paddock and Parade Ring
  • Complimentary small dish, betting area & racecard

Bespoke Cabanas

The Garden is also proud to feature its first-class offering of bespoke cabanas custom-built for the enclosure.

The Garden cabanas include:

  • Everything included in the The Garden Package
  • Private phone charging points
  • Infrared heating
  • Flat-screen TVs
  • Luxury lounge furniture

These cabanas host a minimum of 18 people, and all group members must have a Garden ticket as well.

The cabana will be your own private space for the day, providing a unique environment for you to lounge and relax in true style and elegance. The Garden’s live music offering will be played into your cabana directly to ensure that no matter where you are, you’ll always be able to enjoy the curated atmosphere of the garden.

To book more than 4 tickets, please call the box office on 01244 304610. Please note that this enclosure operates an adults only policy.